~ Frequently Asked Questions~


Thank you for your interest in our school!

We hope this section will help you find the answers that you are looking for. SONOR wishes you a successful, rewarding experience in your musical journey!

How Young is too young? - starting at the right age.

Adults can start at any time. Their success is based on how willing an adult is to commit to practicing. Everyone has the inner “Artist” in themselves. It’s just a matter of how to discover and express it through learning music.

For children, starting at the right age is a key element to the success of their lessons. Some people will tell you “The sooner, the better” but this attitude can backfire and be negative. If a child is put into lessons too soon, they may feel overwhelmed and frustrated and want to stop lessons. The last thing you want to do is turn a child off music just because they had one unpleasant experience that could have been prevented. Sometimes, if the child waits a year to start lessons, their progress can be much faster.

Are there performance opportunities?

SONOR genuinely believes that performing is an essential part of the development of future musicians because you share/express your inner soul and gain confidence and valuable experiences from it. There are many different performance opportunities we will engage the students in.

How frequently can I take lessons?

“The more you do it, the better results you get.” Although taking lessons twice a week is advised, most students take lessons once a week. It’s all up to the willingness and commitment you put into learning.

How long are the lessons?

Depending on the student’s age, ability to focus, and level of expertise, individual lessons are offered for 30min, 45min, 60min, or 90 min.

How Can I Enroll?

If you had your 30-minute trial lesson with a teacher and loved it so much to start your musical journey right away, you can enroll by filling out the Enrollment form and signing the School Policy.  From there, you will choose your lesson schedule, make the payments, and be ready to go!

What instruments do you teach?

We offer a range of classical instruments, from the piano and violin to classical guitar and voice! Stay tuned for new classes ~

Are you open on weekends?

Yes. If a teacher’s schedule allows, students may schedule lessons on weekends.


  • Mon-Fri 10am - 9pm,

  • Sat 10am-7pm,

  • Sun - upon availability.

Please contact us to check on the availability of weekend openings.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept checks, Zelle, and credit card payments.

Is there free parking?

There are free parking spaces available outside the building for our clients. Street parking is also available throughout the day.

When and how can I withdraw?

A student can withdraw by filling out the withdrawal form at the school office 30 days before their last day. Informing your teacher or by phone will NOT qualify you for withdrawal.