

Ms. Naomi Sanchez

Naomi Sanchez has enjoyed a varied and exciting career as a concert pianist, educator, and entrepreneur. A native Californian, she has spent her professional life in San Francisco, educating people in music, the music business, and college preparation. Ms. Sanchez earned her Bachelor's and Masters's Degrees in Piano Performance at the prestigious Indiana University Jacobs School of Music where she studied with Evelyne Brancart and Emile Naoumoff, the last pupil of Nadia Boulanger. 

Her career as a member of the award-winning piano duo, Pas de Duo, allowed her to share her love of music across the United States with audiences of all ages. Pas de Duo made their New York City debut at Carnegie Hall to critical acclaim and went on to perform at numerous venues across the U.S., including the Chautauqua Institute and the New York Philomusica. 

Ms. Sanchez has presented young people’s concerts and master classes to many different audiences and regularly serves on competition juries. She also presents and collaborates with her music teacher colleagues and enjoys working with others to create meaningful musical experiences. She is the founder/director of the Berkeley Academy of Music. (