Beginner's Corner: Singing Practice

Did you know that you can improve your piano playing by singing? Besides practicing on the piano each day, singing is one of the best ways to improve your music skills. Your voice is your first and most natural instrument. The more you sing, the more you notice the distance between intervals and how notes sound, and you will get better at understanding rhythms too.
If you are in a choir at school or church, you already have a head start on practicing your singing. Even if you are not, you can still sing on your own. As you sing, try to focus on how the note sound and go together. How does it feel to sing? Notice the phrases in the music and how your voice expresses them.
The more you sing, the better your musical ears will become. It will be easier to name intervals or play new melodies. You will have a better sense of how your music will sound. Don't worry if you are not the next Ariana Grande. Have fun with music every day - both at the piano and through singing - and notice how your musical skills improve!

Bolor Ayush